Merging Evidence-Based with The Sacred
Mission Statement
Holistic Empowerment Institute is a healing organization dedicated to merging evidence-based with the sacred. As an organization, our goal is to cultivate and maintain a holistic position in the development of systematic, community, group and individual interventions toward sustainability and well-being.

Statement of Belief
The ability to increase ones coping skills, alter outward living conditions, clarify ones’ worth and self-concept, create environment, and completely shape the world we live in, can be directly affected by the internal dialogue and increased Consciousness of one single individual. Empowerment as a fundamental principle heightens the knowledge that all of these conditions can be positively manipulated by the power contained within each of us. We believe empowerment to mean the full context of knowledge of one’s culture, social conditions, choices and outcomes. Therefore, HEI used Holistic empowerment as a tool for cultural, social and individual change.
Organizational Beginnings
In spring of 2021 HEI became a fiscally sponsored entity of the Social Good Fund (SGF).
This opportunity allows for HEI to experience its growth and development while under the administrative expertise of SGF, an entity that has demonstrated commitment to developing organizations that expand the range of progressive influence and social change.